Featured Resources
Browse featured resources below that are designed to equip and strengthen you in your walk with God. Over the years, God has graced Robert Hotchkin to be able to produce an arsenal of Books and teachings to equip every believer for maximum Kingdom effectiveness. To access a full list of his resources, click this link to be re-directed to a broader catalogue.

You are so much more powerful than you realize! The Gospel of the Kingdom is a Gospel of POWER — a power the world desperately needs. Be equipped to release new expressions of God’s power, including the POWER to Shift Atmospheres, to Work Miracles, to Make Wealth, the POWER of Decree, and much more!

Win the Battle! All of heaven is available to you right now through the finished work of the cross. So isn’t it time you start living in the “MORE!” of God that you have been crying out for? In this amazing book, Robert reveals how you can unlock the God-given power of your mind, will and emotions so that you can live in the victory!

Now more than ever, the world needs good, strong, blessed and anointed Christian men. This book is an easy-to-read daily devotional that reveals 31 different powerful gifts Heavenly Father has blessed His sons with. 31 Decrees of Blessing for Men puts the power of God’s Word in the hands and mouths of men!

There is a reason you didn’t go home to glory as soon as you got saved. It’s the same reason that God chose to manifest you right here, right now. It’s because you have a key role to play for His Kingdom in the earth. Be the solution in every sphere of influence to which you are called! Heaven is waiting to partner with you!

Our God is invincible. All might, all power, and all authority are His. He never loses, and He wants to train you how to war the Kingdom way. God wants to teach you how to lay hold of certain victory and equip you to take down the giants in the land so that you can inhabit all of His promises and see all of His blessings!

Do you have prophetic words, promises or callings that have been spoken over your life that feel stuck, delayed, or like they may never come forth? As you listen to this message, those promises are going to be activated and accelerated by the NOW of God. Reach past time into the eternal realm of Heaven!

God wants to use you to launch a spiritual revolution that will bring revival to the land. It’s time we take back our nations. And we can – through the power of prayer and intercession! These sessions will open your eyes to the power you have to win your nation back in the spirit, and see it fully return to the Lord.

Are you believing for something so big it seems almost impossible? Do you find yourself in the midst of a mess that seems way bigger than you are? Have you been waiting (and waiting) on a promise from God that seems like it’s just never going to happen? If so, don’t miss this teaching from Robert Hotchkin.

Do you feel misunderstood, like no matter what you say it’s misinterpreted? And the more you try to explain yourself, the worse it gets? These are signs that Leviathan is at work! Leviathan is a high-level demonic spirit that works behind the scenes to twist and pervert communications with the goal of destroying relationships.

Do you have any idea how incredibly powerful you are? Well, you are about to! Because the very same power that raised Jesus from the dead – the power that shattered death’s grip, the power that overcame every manifestation of the enemy, the power that set all of creation free – the fullness of that power dwells within you!

Get a breakthrough of Revelation as the first sip of coffee hits your mouth! You are so much more powerful than you Realize! Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and to the ends of the Earth.” This is true for you… today!

Are there storms in your life? In your family, city or nation? Does it feel like you’re being buffeted and kept from the blessings and breakthroughs you know have been promised? Then this message is for you! It is a divine appointment that will stir your faith and ignite the divine power within you.

Victory is Yours! This five-session seminar unlocks the divine power of your mind, will and emotions so that you can prosper, be in health, and live in the fullness of victory Jesus has given you. Why settle for anything less than all the Lord has won for you? Start living as “The Victorious Soul” you truly are in Christ.

No More Delays! Do you have promises from the Lord that you’re waiting on? Prophetic words that have not yet come to pass? Things you’re contending for? It’s time for you to be activated in the birthing anointing, and discover how to co-labor with God to see every one of those blessings come forth.

God’s desire is to co-labor with you to bring about the marriage you have always wanted – whether you are believing to meet your special someone, are on your way to the altar with the one the Lord has for you, or are currently married but want to strengthen your relationship. Put the decrees in this book to work!